Alternative Clock Management for WSJT-X

Matt Roberts - matt-at-kk5jy-dot-net

Published: 2020-04-12

Updated: 2020-04-21

Portable Operation A unique requirement for running most WSJT-X modes is that the computers on either end of the link have to run with pre-synchronized local clocks.  It is a rather bizarre requirement, that has to do with how the DSP algorithms search for bits in the incoming audio.  While home users of the software can use NTP to synchronize their clocks to existing high-precision Internet time sources, mobile and portable users can find it a challenge to access to quality time sources while operating from the bush.

One popular solution is to use an inexpensive GPS dongle with one's portable computer.  The GPS system of satellites can provide a time source competitive with the best NTP sources on the Internet, and inexpensive USB receivers make this a cost-effective option.

However, the GPS option has some disadvantages:
  1. Finding a quality GPS receiver dongle that offers reliable PPS is increasingly difficult.  Most receivers can get to within +/- one second, but to get high precision, PPS is required.  Since WSJT-X relies on the fidelity of the clock to optimize search for weak signals, more precision is definitely better.
  2. Using GPS requires a receiving antenna that can be placed in the clear.  A USB receiver with a built-in antenna will have serious challenges operating from within an Airstream, for example.
  3. Using what is essentially a high-power broadcast service to recover an FT8 or FT4 clock on the air just isn't faithful to the self-contained nature of amateur radio. ;-)
One activity that I enjoy is operating HF from remote and rural locations.  To make use of FT8 and FT4 while out in the rough, I needed a good time source, but I didn't want to rely on GPS or my cell phone (which is so old, it barely makes calls).  So I set out to find a good clock source that can be used with WSJT-X from anywhere, not just where GPS or network services are available.

As it turns out, the best solution was staring me right in the face... why not just adjust the system clock from the dozens of incoming FT8 signals on the radio?  Much like NTP, the numerous signals arriving from the HF radio provide plentiful time data, from which one could synchronize the clock, and fortunately, WSJT-X calculates and reports the offset between each decoded packet and the local system clock, as shown in Figure 1.

The column circled in red, taken from a screenshot of the WSJT-X running FT8, is the per-decode clock error estimate calculated by the software.  This is part of the data reported by the application via the UDP and ALL.TXT interfaces.  This information can be used to estimate the mean clock offset between the PC and all the people transmitting on a given channel, and then used to correct the local clock to match theirs.

Figure 1: WSJT-X Clock Error

In fact, this approach turned out to be better than NTP or GPS, since the real goal is to align the local clock with the remote clocks of other users.  The optimal solution isn't a high-precision match with UTC—the optimal solution is to provide a high-precision match to the majority of other stations on the channel, so as to optimize the DSP search for weak signals.

The Tools

Unfortunately, the required conversion—from clock error reports to clock correction actions— is not a feature of the core WSJT-X software.  However, since the software reports the needed data via UDP for third-party applications, I was able to write such an application to do what I wanted.  The solution has two parts: The second item provides a text-mode interface to the first item, allowing the user to quickly adjust the time with a few simple key clicks.  One pair of keys changes the clock increment to be applied, and a second pair of keys applies that increment, either up or down, to the system clock.  With this simple set-up, aligning the local clock to the incoming FT8 signals can be done in just a few time slots.

A third optional item was developed to automate the adjustment process, so that the time is automatically kept in alignment with the incoming decodes.  While this is definitely handy, the manual process is sufficient on its own, and so the automatic version will be discussed in its own section, below.

The software builds in just a few seconds, even on Raspbian.  It consists of two small C++ programs.

Prerequisite Packages

The build process only requires the build-essential package to be installed on systems derived from Debian (like Mint, Ubuntu, Raspbian, etc.).  This package is installed by default on most installations.  To make sure the package is available, simply start a terminal prompt, and run the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential

Building the Software

The software comes as a tarball.  Decompress and build it with this sequence:
tar -Jxf tweaktime-20200412a.tar.xz
cd tweaktime
sudo make install

Adjusting the Clock

Figure 2: ctweaktime Output Example

The basic process for hand-adjusting the clock is as follows:
  1. Start WSJT-X.
  2. Start a terminal window, and in that window run sudo ctweaktime.
  3. Arrange the windows so that you can see them all at the same time.
  4. Use a coarse step size (e.g., 100ms or 200ms) to adjust the clock time over several slot times, until the horizontal lines in the Wide Graph align with the incoming signal edges.
  5. Using a finer step value (e.g., 20ms), fine-tune the clock adjustment as you operate, to bring the DT value close to zero.
The step size to be applied is changed using the + and - keys.  The clock is adjusted by that step size by using the < and > keys.  That's it!

Figure 2 shows an example of the program while making adjustments.

Modern PCs have very accurate clocks, so once you are close to an average DT value of zero, you should be able to operate for several hours before having to adjust again.

While it probably sounds obvious, it is worth pointing out that if you are running NTP on your system, and if that system is connected to the Internet, the NTP daemon will quickly undo any changes you make using this utility.  That's its job, after all.

Automating the Process

The utilities described above are enough to quickly bring the PC clock to heel when NTP and GPS are unavailable.  It's a visual clock synchronization, since the human operator is manually aligning the signals to the local clock, via the Wide Graph and the DT measurements.  While quite effective, the WSJT-X interfaces allow another computer program to read the DT values, and automatically adjust the local clock to achieve a best-fit to the incoming signal decode edges.

Work smarter, not harder, right?

In some ways, this is very similar to NTP, just without the Internet.  NTP also uses measurements from several anonymous sources, does math on the measured errors, and then selects the best adjustment to achieve a best-fit to the available data.

Figure 3: Automation Output Example

As an experiment, I wrote a simple .Net program to automatically adjust the local PC clock to the WSJT-X traffic on the air.  It uses the UDP interface to watch the DT values, performs some statistical math on those values, and periodically makes small clock adjustments to synchronize the clock time to the radio channel.

The first step is to count up how many decode samples are available.  Adjustments are only done once enough data is built up to make a good estimate, even if that takes several time slots.  Older data is discarded, and only a fixed number of samples are allowed from any one station.  Then the utility computes the mean and variance to place some bounds on how much dispersion is present in the decode error estimates from WSJT-X.  This is used to exclude samples that are outliers, improving the estimate of the time offset of the samples that remain.  Only those samples within a certain number of standard deviations from the mean are used.

If enough data is present, the resulting error estimate is used to call the tweaktime utility, adjusting the clock.  The response is smoothed by applying only a fraction of the needed correction per estimate, spreading the correction out over time, which helps control jitter.  After each adjustment, the existing data is cleared and accumulation starts again.

An example of the utility running is shown in Figure 3, as a .Net console application.

The utility has a very simple user interface, and is configured using an XML file.  A better user interface (allowing easy adjustment of those settings) would definitely be useful.  That said, the utility in its current form appears to run very well against FT8 and FT4 data on both lightly-loaded and very crowded channels.

The automation utility isn't quite ready for release, but if anyone is interested in helping me test this on other systems, drop me an email, and we can talk about what is needed for a release.

Some Conclusions

It is certainly possible, and relatively easy, to operate WSJT-X with near-optimal clock synchronization, using only the incoming FT* signals from an HF receiver.  When using an automated process, it is also possible to keep the clock in a near-optimal state for decoding, even better than with NTP or GPS.

Since the DSP within WSJT-X is doing all of the math to calculate time offset errors of incoming signals, the extra overhead needed to keep the local system clock in synchronization with those signals is almost zero.

Observant users will notice that we aren't recoving the actual value of the current time using this method.  We are only able to recover the leading edges of the transmissions of other users.  The granularity—or modulus—of the recovered clock is the time slot length of the mode being used.  E.g., fifteen seconds for FT8, or 7.5 seconds for FT4.  Fortunately, as long as we align the local clock's leading edges to the other stations' local clocks to that level of granularity, the actual value of the clocks is irrelevant.  Clock recovery doesn't care about the wall-clock time, only the alignment of the relative bits being transmitted and expected by the receiver.

WSJT-X In order for this approach to work, most participants—particularly the stronger stations—on a channel should still synchronize to UTC, or some other common time standard.  Fortunately, that's the situation we have today.  Most people operate from home or some other fixed location, and are able to synchronize via NTP or GPS. As long as this is the case, having a few mobile or portable stations synchronizing to "the pack" should be fine.  The only time this might become an issue is during a portable event, like Field Day.

This leads me to a critique of the WSJT-X software, which is that it doesn't provide its own clock recovery.  Every other amateur radio digital mode designed for computer demodulation (including the DV modes) uses clock recovery on the individual signals from the receiver, in order to decode each of those signals.  By omitting this, WSJT-X relies on external recovery (via presynchronized PC clocks), which moves half (or 6dB as measured at the sound card) of the signal content (the clock) out of the HF channel, and into other media, such as the Internet or GPS.  As a result, the versitility is limited, the required SNR estimates are at least 6dB understated, and the modes are dependent on communication services outside of amateur radio to operate properly.

On the other hand, WSJT-X modes are very popular, and until WSJT-X adds its own clock recovery (after all, the information is there in the software—we used it above to synchronize the PC clock), we can rely on other means to recover it.  The method described above effectively piggy-backs the local PC clock on the NTP/GPS synchronization used by other stations.  In effect, we are leaning on "herd synchronization" of everybody else in lieu of synchronizing to external time services directly.

I have made thousands of FT8 and FT4 contacts, so I'm not trying to disparage the authors of WSJT-X.  They are obviously gifted engineers.  But when we have to work around a limitation like this, it's important to understand the limitation we are trying to circumvent, and how that impacts operation generally.

Have a safe mobile HF operating season!

Software Downloads

The tweaktime and ctweaktime utilities are available for download in source form.

The software was developed and tested on Linux, but it can also compile on Windows using Visual Studio.  Windows uses different system calls to read and set the local clock, but the basic idea is the same.  If anyone is willing to help me do some extended testing on Windows, please drop me an email.  For now, I only operate from Linux, for a number of reasons, so the Windows support needs more testing before I provide binaries for download.

TweakTime Downloads  (Click Here)

The software and source is being released under the GPL version 3.  The license is available on the download page.

2020-04-13 - Add tweaktime support for Win32 time calls, and update the ctweaktime application to run under Windows Command Prompt.

2020-04-12 - Initial release.

Copyright (C) 2020 by Matt Roberts, KK5JY.
All Rights Reserved.